Christopher John Ball BA (Hons) MA

Fine arts photographer, campaigner and writer

Christopher John Ball BA (Hons) MA - Fine arts photographer, campaigner and writer

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Fine Art Photography, Book Reviews, Comment and Photography Tutorials.

Christopher John Ball © 2024 *

"...sensual nudes that pay homage to the female form in a manner that is both graceful and elegant.
Very rarely do we come across a portfolio that strikes us so deeply..."
-The New Nude Magazine

“Mid-life male photographer meets young, nubile female student-cum-artistic muse - so far it’s old hat. But photographer turned playwright Christopher John Ball and co-writer Dean Sipling, whose background is film and television, bring the pairing into a thoroughly contemporary world of intercepted emails, sinister insinuation and sharp retorts. Their ‘guilty until proved innocent’ plot ... is thoroughly watchable and believable - perhaps as a result of Ball’s professional insights and DS Dom Lucas’ services as police advisor to the production.” Barbara Lewis – a review of the play Throwing Stones in 'The Stage'

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Several books, featuring Christopher John Ball's photographs, are now available through Amazon or click on an image above to purchase via secure payments on

* The right of Christopher John Ball to be identified as the author of the photographic images and text within this website has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. By entering this website you accept that assertion and make yourself liable for penalties within the law for any unauthorised use, in whole or in part, of the images contained within. The only exceptions are images used within book reviews and articles as these are copyrighted to the author specified.

Please note that no image contained within this website should be considered as 'orphaned'

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